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2023-05-06 21:54:03 ,,,,,,,,,

本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio————————


The "caisson" is the top decoration of the traditional wooden buildings in China, which has an important position in ancient Chinese palaces, temples and other buildings.


Zhang Heng's Ode to Xijing explains that "the caisson": "the caisson should be in the building, and the wood should be like the well, and the painting should be written in algal script". "The well" plus the algal script pattern means "the algae is decorated in the well", so it is called "the caisson".


The traditional buildings in China are mostly wood structures. Fire prevention is a must for building houses. Water can overcome fire. The imaginative ancients put the "well" on the roof, and even the lotus and algae in the water all grew on the roof. It is magnificent and beautiful, so the caisson has a very beautiful name - Qijing.


The caisson is usually located at the top of the room, in the form of an umbrella, supported by a fine arch, symbolizing the loftiness of the sky. Generally, the caisson is painted with colorful paintings and reliefs. According to the "General Customs", "This hall is a courtyard...


During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, with the introduction of Buddhism, some new decorative patterns with Western characteristics or Buddhist style appeared on the caisson. The symbols on the dome described the religious culture of different times, with a symbolic meaning of "from the world to the heaven".


Dunhuang caisson simplifies the structure of traditional Chinese ancient buildings, with the center protruding upward and the four sides sloping, forming an inverted bucket shape with a large bottom and a small top. The theme works are in the central square well, and the surrounding patterns are unfolded layer by layer.


Like ordinary ceilings, the caisson is a kind of interior decoration, but it can only be used for the most noble buildings, such as the Buddha or the crown of the throne. It was clearly stipulated in the Tang Dynasty that no arched caisson was allowed unless it was the residence of a prince.

无数古代的建筑者,在藻井这片面积上,绘满精美绝伦的图案与华丽富贵的雕饰。 仰望那令人炫目的藻井,颇有些“天外有天”的意境,是否也是古人对于通向天庭之路的向往与想象呢?

Countless ancient builders painted exquisite patterns and ornate and rich carvings on the area of the caisson. Looking up at the dazzling caisson, there is an artistic conception of "heaven beyond heaven". Is it also the ancient people's yearning and imagination for the road to heaven?


本文收集了中华豪门—藻井,中国古建最美的天花板!的读书心得, ,,,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 /
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