读书心得古代的防盗门—推笼门的读书心得2023-05-06 21:54:03 古代的读书心得,防盗门的读书心得,推的读书心得, 本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio————————
“路不拾遗、夜不闭户”是我国古代社会的一种人文、经济都大发展的社会现象。可是由于农业社会的局限性,朝代之间的更迭是不可避免的,所以这才有了桃花源的存在,也才出现了木兰代父从军的现象。所以古代社会也是需要防火防盗的。今天我们进来了解下古代的防盗门。 It is a social phenomenon of great development of both humanities and economy in the ancient society of China that "there are no leftovers on the road and no doors are closed at night". However, due to the limitations of the agricultural society, the change between dynasties is inevitable, so the existence of the Peach Blossom Garden and the phenomenon of Mulan taking the place of her father in the army emerged... 说到防盗门,我们都不陌生,很多人家里相信也安装了各种样式的防盗门。那么古人的防盗门又是怎么样的呢!古代的防盗门就是推笼门。 When it comes to security doors, we are no strangers. Many people believe that they have also installed various types of security doors. What about the security doors of the ancients! The security door in ancient times was a sliding cage door. 推笼门,是岭南一带民居特有的木门,一般由格木制成。旧时只有大户人家或者家境殷实的家庭才会装推笼门。推笼门一般装在大门前,比大门稍大,由十几根粗大的圆木组成,上下端有滑槽,门槛有滑轮,可以横向推拉。关上门后看着像笼子,故叫推笼门。 The sliding cage door is a unique wooden door of the folk houses in Lingnan area, which is generally made of grid wood...It is composed of more than ten thick logs, with chutes at the upper and lower ends, and a pulley at the threshold, which can be pushed and pulled horizontally. When the door is closed, it looks like a cage, so it is called a push cage door. 推笼门具有通风透光的作用,在大门打开后,阳光和风等就可以通过推笼门进入屋子里,便于房屋的采光和通风,在岭南地区的回南天气里,推笼门可以加快房屋里面空气的流通。 The sliding cage door has the function of ventilation and light transmission. After the door is opened, sunlight and wind can enter the house through the sliding cage door, which is convenient for lighting and ventilation of the house. In the weather of Lingnan, the sliding cage door can speed up the air circulation in the house. 除了具有通风透光的作用,推笼门还具有防盗的作用。推笼门的门槛上装有滑齿滑轮,可横向推拉;而且门上有插销,外面的人并不能透过圆木的间隙来拔开插销;而且推笼门一般是由岭南特有的格木制成,这种木材比较坚硬,不易破坏,一般情况下可以使用很长的时间。现在岭南地区保留下来的推笼门都是具有比较悠久的历史的。 In addition to the function of ventilation and light transmission, the sliding cage door also has the function of anti-theft. A sliding tooth pulley is arranged on the threshold of the sliding cage door, which can be pushed and pulled horizontally; Besides, there is a bolt on the door, so people outside cannot pull out the bolt through the gap between the logs; Moreover, the sliding cage door is generally made of lattice wood unique to Lingnan. 推笼门除了通风透光和防盗的作用外,还可以给孩子创造一个舒适安全的成长空间。在家长忙于家里各种琐碎的事情的时候,打开大门,用上了推笼门就可以让孩子在家里自由的跑来跑去,而且还可以透过推笼门与外面的人进行交流。 In addition to the functions of ventilation, light transmission and anti-theft, the sliding cage door can also create a comfortable and safe growth space for children. When parents are busy with all kinds of trivial things at home, they can open the door and use the sliding cage door to let children run around freely at home, and they can also communicate with people outside through the sliding cage door. 随着时代的发展。三进三出这样的房子已经很难见到,而现代格式的高楼也并不适用推笼门,所以推笼门开始慢慢淡出很多人的记忆。 With the development of the times. It is hard to see such a house with three entrances and three exits, and modern high-rise buildings are not suitable for sliding cage doors, so the sliding cage doors begin to fade out of many people's memories. 温馨提示:本文收集了古代的防盗门—推笼门的读书心得, 古代的读书心得,防盗门的读书心得,推的读书心得, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 / 申明:本站文章来源互联网(网站),内容仅供参考,请网友自主判断。且版权归源作者或者网站所有。