读书心得中华豪门—古人的智慧真是博大精深的读书心得2023-05-06 21:54:03 博大的读书心得,古人的读书心得,真是的读书心得,智慧的读书心得,中华的读书心得,智的读书心得,真的读书心得,慧的读书心得, 本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio————————
古代人的智慧,在现代人看来,简直是不可思议,有很多绝妙精彩的发明设计,用现代工艺都觉得困难,比如说四川的都江堰,至今都在承担着水利作用;再比如赵州桥;还有神奇的汉代铜镜。其实除了大的工程,古人还有很多小的发明,也在服务着社会,比如说最不能理解的就是用纸来糊窗户,这样的窗户一下雨不就坏了吗? The wisdom of ancient people is incredible to modern people. There are many wonderful inventions and designs, which are difficult to use modern technology. For example, Dujiangyan in Sichuan has been undertaking the role of water conservancy; Another example is Zhaozhou Bridge; There are also magical bronze mirrors of the Han Dynasty... 其实古人用纸来糊窗户,不怕淋湿,主要有以下几个原因,首先从窗户安装形式来看: In fact, the ancients used paper to paste windows without fear of getting wet, mainly for the following reasons. First, from the perspective of the window installation form: 有长廊,常见于大户人家 影视作品里,尤其是宫廷戏里面,蜿蜒曲折的回廊连通着房屋,下雨的时候,女主人公倚窗凝思,在烟雨如画的天空下回忆或者展望,多美的画面和意境啊!像这样的窗户纸因为有回廊和连廊的遮挡,自然是不会被淋湿的。 In the film and television works, especially in the palace plays, the winding corridors connect the houses. When it rains, the heroine leans against the window and contemplates, recalling or looking forward under the misty and rainy sky. What a beautiful picture and artistic conception! Window paper like this will not get wet because of the cloisters and corridors. 有雨檐,布局中小雨,适合中产阶级 我们在参观古徽州民居的时候,没有见过特别大的窗户,一般都比较小,比较有特点的是,都有一个小雨檐,这个小雨檐就可以有效地避免雨水淋到窗户,淋坏窗户纸。 When we visited the ancient Huizhou dwellings, we didn't see any particularly large windows. They are generally small. What is more distinctive is that they all have a small rain eaves, which can effectively prevent rain from hitting the windows and damaging the window paper. 内嵌式,保留一个内嵌的窗框,避免淋湿 这样的窗户其实在很多,更多的是把内嵌和雨檐结合起来。除了在窗户的安装形式上有变化之外,窗户纸也是在不断地改进,才会不断地改善效果,不惧风雨。 In fact, there are many such windows, most of which combine embedded and rain eaves. In addition to the changes in the installation form of windows, the window paper is also constantly improving, so as to continuously improve the effect and fear the wind and rain. 早期的纸张 这种纸张其实是一种原始的初级纸张,厚,透光性差,不过呢有总比没有强,岁也不希望天天待在黑乎乎的房间里。 This kind of paper is actually a kind of original primary paper. It is thick and has poor light transmittance, but it is better than nothing. I don't want to stay in a dark room every day. 初级的油纸 我们知道油水不容,水遇到油就会自动分离,人们依据这个原理制作出了油纸伞,同样的也可以做出窗户纸,但是透光性比韧纸好一点,存在色差,后来又出现了白色的油纸。不过事物都有两面性,油纸最大的问题就是不吃胶,比较难粘在窗棱上,需要重新用木条固定。 We know that oil and water are not allowed, and water will automatically separate when encountering oil. According to this principle, people have made oil paper umbrellas, and can also make window paper, but the light transmittance is better than that of tough paper, and there is color difference. 专用的棉纸 棉纸的工艺现在很少了,但是几十年前,全国还有不少的棉纸厂,那时候我所在的村子也有棉纸。棉纸具有轻,透,吸水强的特点,那时候很多人用它来做天灯,用着种纸张,进光亮度比毛玻璃稍微差一点。 The craft of cotton paper is rare now, but a few decades ago, there were many cotton paper mills throughout the country, and then there were cotton paper in my village. Cotton paper has the characteristics of light weight, permeability and strong water absorption. 关于窗户纸的一些误区 窗户纸并不是一捅就破的 除了棉纸,其他的窗户纸都挺厚的,想要用口水捅破,傻子都知道了来人了,根本就不可能给你那个时间在那里慢慢沾口水桶窗户纸。 Except for the cotton paper, other window papers are very thick. If you want to pierce them with saliva, fools will know who is coming. It is impossible to give you time to slowly dip in the bucket window paper. 棉纸的透明度已经很高了 棉纸比较容易破,但是因为透明度很高了,你这么做的话,确定屋里的都是瞎子吗? Cotton paper is easy to break, but because of its high transparency, are you sure that all the people in the room are blind? 窗户纸都是糊在外面的 所有的窗户纸,只要不是做的双面窗棂,那么纸一定是糊在墙外,这样的好处的可以提高窗户纸的强度,防止大风刮坏窗户纸。 As long as all the window paper is not made of double-sided mullions, it must be pasted outside the wall, which can improve the strength of the window paper and prevent it from being damaged by strong winds. 窗户纸不是玻璃,需要定期维护的 无论多好的纸张,经过风吹日晒之后,在紫外线和热胀冷缩的作用下,不可避免的变色变脆,是需要不断的修补的,一般都是在过年!有没觉得意外,一张窗户纸,竟然有这么多讲究。看来古人的智慧真的不要小瞧啊! No matter how good the paper is, after being exposed to the wind and the sun, it will inevitably change color and become brittle under the action of ultraviolet rays, thermal expansion and cold contraction. It needs to be repaired constantly, usually during the Spring Festival! Do you think it's surprising that a piece of window paper has so much attention. It seems that the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated! 除此之外古人留下的八大智慧,绝也对能让您受益匪浅! In addition, the eight wisdom left by the ancients will definitely benefit you!
Complex things need to be done simply, simple things need to be done repeatedly, and repeated things need to be done with heart and persistence, so that there is nothing impossible. Confused on the surface, clear in the heart; He is stupid when he is young, but shrewd when he is great; He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise; He who wins is stronger than he who wins.
The supreme state of life; Water works for all things without dispute. The highest good deed is just like the character of someone, which benefits all things without striving for fame and wealth. If you have enough virtue, you can carry things, which is the highest level of life. There will be a lasting celebration in a good family.
There is no distinction between the wise and the foolish. There is only the difference between diligence and clearness. Quietness can preserve health, enlighten, generate wisdom, and enlighten. A contented man, though lying on the ground, is especially happy; Those who are not satisfied are not satisfied even though they are in heaven. Those who are not satisfied will be poor even if they pay; A contented man is rich though poor. 温馨提示:本文收集了中华豪门—古人的智慧真是博大精深的读书心得, 博大的读书心得,古人的读书心得,真是的读书心得,智慧的读书心得,中华的读书心得,智的读书心得,真的读书心得,慧的读书心得, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 / 申明:本站文章来源互联网(网站),内容仅供参考,请网友自主判断。且版权归源作者或者网站所有。
申请专利是在市场经济条件下保护发明创造知识产权的一项法律制度。凡具备专利条件的发明创新都应及早申请专利,以获得国家法律保护。申请专利前必须进行的经济分析中,不包含_____分析。A、技术贸易B、经济贸易C、市场需求D、新颖性答案:D解析:《专利法》第22 条规定,授予专利权的发明本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShunStudio————————古代人的智慧,在现代人看来,简直是不可思议,有很多绝妙精彩的发明设计,用现代工艺都觉得困难,比如说四川的都江堰,至今都在承担着水利作用;再比如赵州桥;还有神奇的汉代铜镜。其