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2023-05-06 21:54:03 ,,,,,,,

本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio————————


In the past thousands of years, the inheritance of Chinese ideology and culture depends not only on social universal education, but also on family education.


In the introductions of many famous historical figures, we can often see that he came from a scholarly family. The reason why it is easy for a scholarly family to produce talents is that such families often have strict family rules and instructions, and have excellent family traditions.


The famous family rules and family instructions in history, such as Zhu Zi's Family Instructions, Yan's Family Instructions and Zeng Guofan's Family Instructions, are not only the strategies for managing the family within their family, but also involve the content of self-cultivation, self-cultivation and even governance.


Because these families have trained a lot of influential talents in history, their family rules and family precepts have been emulated by the world. Of course, in ancient times, each family or family had its own rules and instructions, which were not identical.


So why did our ancient people set up family rules at home? As we know, the function of family discipline is to "speak the way of living at home, so as to instruct the descendants". The earliest family discipline can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Western Zhou Dynasty was an era that attached great importance to etiquette, especially sacrifice.


The Book of Rites says: "Rites have five sutras, so don't be more important than sacrifices.". In other words, sacrificial rites are the most important among all kinds of rites. The purpose of sacrificial rites is to express the awe of the gods and gods of heaven and earth and the filial piety to ancestors. This is a very sacred thing, so there are many details and rituals that need to be paid attention to.


But children are often ignorant. If they chase and play in the process of sacrifice, they will desecrate the gods and offend their ancestors, which is regarded as a great disrespect. So the ancients formulated many rules and regulations. They taught children from an early age and should abide by these rules and regulations to avoid trouble during the sacrifice.


Later, people found that those who had received such etiquette tutoring as children would have better character and quality when they grew up, so they summed up the education concept of "being cautious at the end of the day", that is, the education of a person should start from an early age and be consistent.


Therefore, apart from etiquette and rules, the family education of the ancient people also added such Confucian ideas as filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, and advocated the family style principle of "strict father and loving mother", which gradually formed a conscious and targeted family discipline.


There is a famous family education story in history - Mencius' mother moved three times. When Mencius was very young, his father died. At that time, Mencius' family conditions were not bad, because his ancestors had been officials for generations. Although his father died young, he left a fortune to the orphans and widows.


The ancients said that "children do not have a godfather's fault". Mencius had no father, and his mother took the responsibility for his son's education. As a result, we know the story of Mencius' mother moving three times, which is probably the same as some parents now changing three sets of school district houses for their children's schooling.


Others don't understand. They say it's good for you to keep your money, right? You've become a pauper when you move around, and you'll have to live a hard life later. Although Mencius's mother was a woman, she paid great attention to family education...


Mencius' mother knew that if he didn't pay attention to education when he was young, he would lose all his family wealth when he grew up. Therefore, a family without family rules and regulations is actually more terrible than being poor, because it doesn't matter if it is poor, and wealth can be created continuously.


But if there is no family education, children will have no rules when they grow up. It is not only poor to wait for them, but also unknown what kind of disaster will be caused. This is the meaning of family rules and family instructions. In fact, it is a family education mechanism to protect children's growth. So, a family without rules is far more terrible than no money!


The family education of the ancient Chinese started from prenatal education and ran through the whole life of a person until "being cautious and pursuing the future". As an old saying goes, "Boudoir is the place where sages come from, and maternal education is the source of peace in the world." Confucius, Mencius, Ouyang Xiu and other sages appeared because they had received good maternal education in their families since childhood.


Chinese traditional culture emphasizes that men and women are equal in personality, but there are differences in the division of family responsibilities. In modern terms, the social roles, responsibilities and division of labor of men and women have their own priorities: men create economic income, so that their families have no worries about food and clothing...


"There are three ways to be unfilial, and no offspring is the greatest". "No offspring" not only means no sons, but more importantly, no successors to the cause. Therefore, the ancients emphasized that "it is better to teach children than to teach them". They reminded families that the most important responsibility is to educate their children well and set an example.


It is the traditional culture that attaches importance to the role of women in family education, which shapes the excellent character of the Chinese nation and makes the Chinese nation endless.


本文收集了中华豪门—古人为何要立家规家训的读书心得, ,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 /
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