历史知识每周一练 Vol.2 | 上海外商投资环境白皮书卷首语的历史知识2023-05-06 21:54:18 书的历史知识,海外的历史知识,环境的历史知识,上海的历史知识,投资的历史知识,白的历史知识,语的历史知识,一的历史知识,周的历史知识,商的历史知识,海的历史知识, 翻译学习书单】
和【翻译必备手册】 每周一练Vol.2今日放送~ 本周练习选段同样出自《2021上海外商投资环境白皮书》,是第一期卷首语的剩余部分。段落形式大致相同,内容总起报告全文。 快来尝试练习吧! 原文 知天下者,善谋大势,决胜负者,长于布局。站在“两个一百年”的历史交汇点上,上海全面深化“五个中心”建设,加快建设具有世界影响力的社会主义现代化国际大都市。当今上海已成为中国面向全球开放最重要的前沿窗口,现已进驻外资企业6万余家,占全市2%的企业数量,贡献超越1/4的GDP、1/3的税收、2/3的货物进出口、2/3的规模以上工业总产值以及1/5的就业岗位。面向未来,上海在扩大国内需求和提高供给质量上持续发力,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程中引领推动高质量发展,更加主动服务全国构建新发展格局。 勠力同心,众擎易举。矢志创新,再启新局。站在“十四五”的新起点,上海正凝神聚力推进高质量发展,提升文化建设品味,构建现代治理体系,优化创新创业生态,打造最佳人居环境,增强全球叙事能力,加强对软实力建设的组织领导,鼓起迈进新征程、奋进新时代的精气神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦不懈奋斗! 译文 Shanghai has been undeviatingly following the country’s long-term blueprint which was created in accordance with international trends. At the historical intersection of the“Two Centenary Goals”, the city isconsolidatingitsrolesas“Five Centers”,and stepping up its efforts to build a modern socialist metropolis with international appeal. As themost importantbridgeheadfor anincreasingly open country, Shanghai is now home to over 60,000 foreign-invested businesses, which takeup2% of the city’s business entities but contribute to over one fourth of theregionalGDP, one third of tax revenues, two thirds of the total value of imported and exported goods, two thirds of the total output value of industrial enterprises above the designated size, and one fifth of alljobs ofShanghai. In the coming years, Shanghai will continue to boost domestic demand and improve the quality ofits goods and services, playaleadingroleinpromoting high-quality developmentdrivenbyanew development pattern, and make proactive contributionstothenational goal of buildinga modern socialist country. Shanghaiis ready to innovateand collaborate with other parts of China to usher in a brighter futurefor all. Duringthe 14thFive-Year Plan period, the city will actively work towards the Chinese Dream ofgreatnationalrejuvenationby further pushing for high-qualityeconomicdevelopment, an enhanced metropolitanculture, a modern governance system, an optimized ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship, a better living environment, a stronger international communication capability, andanincreasedsoftpower, withthe courageous spirit of striving for a new era. 本期内容就到这里啦~期待大家的参与! 温馨提示:本文收集了每周一练 Vol.2 | 上海外商投资环境白皮书卷首语的历史知识, 书的历史知识,海外的历史知识,环境的历史知识,上海的历史知识,投资的历史知识,白的历史知识,语的历史知识,一的历史知识,周的历史知识,商的历史知识,海的历史知识, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 / 申明:本站文章来源互联网(网站),内容仅供参考,请网友自主判断。且版权归源作者或者网站所有。