文体教育《Legends Never Die》歌词全文(含译文)的文体教育2023-05-06 21:54:58 歌词的文体教育, 《Legends Never Die》,传奇永不熄英雄联盟2017全球总决赛主题曲,由美国流行摇滚乐队Against The Current演绎。无可否认的,这是一首经典的歌。歌词全文如下: Legends never die 传奇永不消逝 When the world is calling you 当全世界都在呼唤你 Can you hear them screaming out your name 世人皆唤你名 Legends never die 传奇永不消逝 They become a part of you 镌刻传奇于己 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 浴血征战铸造传奇 Relentless you survive 横刀立马绝境逢生 They never lose hope when everythings cold and the fige a part of you 镌刻传奇于己 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 浴血征战铸造传奇 Legends never die 传奇永不消逝 Theyre written down in eternity 铸成传奇不熄 But youll never see the price it costs the scars collected all their lives 可叹伤痕累然 不见埋骨之川 When everythings lost they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat 天以万物夺之 便以此身为敌 Before it all starts they suffer through harm just to touch a dream 回首向来当年 不过逐梦少年 Oh pick yourself up cause 抛舞汝一头颅 挥尽你之热血 Legends never die 传奇永不消逝 When the world is calling you 当全世界都在呼唤你 Can you hear them screaming out your name 世人皆唤你名 Legends never die 传奇永不消逝 They become a part of you 镌刻传奇于己 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 浴血征战铸造传奇 Legends never die 传奇永不消逝 When the world is calling out your name 世人皆唤你名 Begging you to fige a part of you 镌刻传奇于己 Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 三千热血洒尽 Legends never die 温馨提示:本文收集了《Legends Never Die》歌词全文(含译文)的文体教育, 歌词的文体教育, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 / 申明:本站文章来源互联网(网站),内容仅供参考,请网友自主判断。且版权归源作者或者网站所有。
《Legends Never Die》,传奇永不熄英雄联盟2017全球总决赛主题曲,由美国流行摇滚乐队Against The Current演绎。无可否认的,这是一首经典的歌。歌词全文如下:Legends never die传奇永不消逝When the world is call
《Legends Never Die》,传奇永不熄英雄联盟2017全球总决赛主题曲,由美国流行摇滚乐队Against The Current演绎。无可否认的,这是一首经典的歌。歌词全文如下:Legends never die传奇永不消逝When the world is call