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《Shallow》歌词全文 Lady Gaga的文体教育

2023-05-06 21:54:58 ,

《Shallow》歌词全文 Lady Gaga

电影《一个明星的诞生》北美10月5日上映的原声歌曲《Shallow》,由女歌星Lady Gaga和大明星Bradley Cooper合唱。

Bradley Cooper

Tell me something girl

Are you happy in this modern world

Or do you need more

Is there something else youre searching for

Im falling

In all the good times I find myself along and for change

And in the bad times I feel myself

Lady Gaga

Tell me something boy

Arent you tired trying fill that void

Or do you need more

Aint it hard keeping it so hardcore

Im falling

In all the good times I find myself along and for change

And in the bad times I feel myself

Im off the deep end watch as I dive in

Ill never meet the ground

Crash through the surface where they cant hurt us

Were far from the shallow now


In the shallow shallow

In the shallow shallow

In the shallow shallow

Were far from the shallow now

Lady Gaga



Im off the deep end watch as I dive in

Ill never meet the ground

Crash through the surface where they cant hurt us

Were far from the shallow now


In the shallow shallow

In the shallow shallow

In the shallow shallow

Were far from the shallow now

好吧,一个无畏的Lady Gaga。


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