文体教育《Shallow》歌词全文 Lady Gaga的文体教育2023-05-06 21:54:58 歌词的文体教育, 《Shallow》歌词全文 Lady Gaga 电影《一个明星的诞生》北美10月5日上映的原声歌曲《Shallow》,由女歌星Lady Gaga和大明星Bradley Cooper合唱。 Bradley CooperTell me something girl Are you happy in this modern world Or do you need more Is there something else youre searching for Im falling In all the good times I find myself along and for change And in the bad times I feel myself Lady GagaTell me something boy Arent you tired trying fill that void Or do you need more Aint it hard keeping it so hardcore Im falling In all the good times I find myself along and for change And in the bad times I feel myself Im off the deep end watch as I dive in Ill never meet the ground Crash through the surface where they cant hurt us Were far from the shallow now BothIn the shallow shallow In the shallow shallow In the shallow shallow Were far from the shallow now Lady GagaWooaaaah Woaaaaaaaaaaah Im off the deep end watch as I dive in Ill never meet the ground Crash through the surface where they cant hurt us Were far from the shallow now BothIn the shallow shallow In the shallow shallow In the shallow shallow Were far from the shallow now 好吧,一个无畏的Lady Gaga。 温馨提示:本文收集了《Shallow》歌词全文 Lady Gaga的文体教育, 歌词的文体教育, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 / 申明:本站文章来源互联网(网站),内容仅供参考,请网友自主判断。且版权归源作者或者网站所有。
《Shallow》歌词全文 Lady Gaga电影《一个明星的诞生》北美10月5日上映的原声歌曲《Shallow》,由女歌星Lady Gaga和大明星Bradley Cooper合唱。Bradley CooperTell me something girlAre you happ
2022-02-2221:16郭子仪是中唐名将,他在平定安史之乱等一系列大小战役中,建立了盖世奇功,因功而荣,唐肃宗册封他为汾阳郡王;唐代宗赐给他丹书铁券,犯大罪可免死;唐德宗尊其为“尚父”,以示尊崇,可谓荣耀不已。他的部下,因功位至将相《Shallow》歌词全文 Lady Gaga电影《一个明星的诞生》北美10月5日上映的原声歌曲《Shallow》,由女歌星Lady Gaga和大明星Bradley Cooper合唱。Bradley CooperTell me something girlAre you happ