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2023-05-06 21:55:15 ,,,,,


KaiHongShun Studio



Carving is a folk art craft. Craftsmen, with their superb skills, endow wood, stone, brick and tile with fresh vitality. It is widely used in buildings, doors and windows, exterior walls, screen walls, and old style furniture handed down.


In ancient times, the carving was made by heart. The dragon, phoenix, flower and bird carved on the window fence, the stone lion man carving sitting at the door, and the rare and exotic animals flying to the eaves are all permeated with the thoughts of craftsmen, full of vitality, and add a bright landscape to the architecture.


Every ancient building with whitewashed walls and tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, cornices and brackets, and every Chinese door with exquisite carving and colorful reflection is an ancient book, which records the ups and downs of personnel in the courtyard and the rise and fall of the past.


The more famous Huizhou Three Carving is the abbreviation of stone carving, wood carving and brick carving with Huizhou style. Huizhou ancient architecture is known as no house, no carving. Wherever there are buildings, you can see the craftsmans three carving art...It describes the exquisite Huizhou Three Carvings in Huizhou architecture.


Huizhou wood carving is regarded as the most exquisite carving art among the three carvings by the public, and plays a leading role in the three carvings. Huizhou mountainous area is rich in wood, and most of the buildings are brick, wood and stone structures, especially wood. Therefore, there is a place for wood carving artists to play their talents.


Woodcarving - mainly used for decoration of old buildings and household utensils.


The screens, windows and columns in the courtyard, as well as the beds, tables, chairs, desks and stationery used daily can all be seen in the style of wood carving.


Huizhou wood carving has a wide range of subjects, including figures, landscapes, flowers, animals, insects, fish, and various auspicious patterns. Compared with brick carvings and stone carvings, wood carvings are more exquisite, and every corner of the house can be amazing.


Brick carving - architectural decoration formed by exquisite carving of hard and fine grey bricks.


Brick carvings are widely used in gatehouses, door jambs, lintels, eaves, roofs, rooftops, and other places, making buildings look elegant and solemn.


There is a saying in Anhui architecture that seven hundred gates of 1000 liang silver - if you use 1000 liang silver to build a house, you will spend 700 liang on the facade. No matter poor or rich people, there are exquisite brick carvings on the facade, which shows the importance of Anhui people to the facade.


Stone carving - hard, rainproof and moisture-proof, mainly used in the external space of the building and the load-bearing part of the building.


The richly carved stone arches, the charming stone lions, and the exquisitely carved stone leaky windows all demonstrate the exquisite craftsmanship of Huizhou stone carving.


The subject matter of Huizhou stone carving is limited by the carving materials themselves and is not as complicated as wood carving and brick carving, mainly including animal and plant images, rich ancient patterns and calligraphy.


No matter what kind of sculpture, each pair of sculpture is a period of history, a kind of interest, and a kind of humanistic feelings. Carved railings and jade chefs should still be there, but the beauty should be changed. The so-called old man has gone, only the carving is eternal. Each carving has its own unique mission, and tells the story in detail over the years.


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