古典文学中华豪门—古建筑的雕花艺术的古典文学2023-05-06 21:55:15 花的古典文学,建筑的古典文学,艺术的古典文学,中华的古典文学,建的古典文学, 本期编辑/开鸿顺 KaiHongShun Studio ———————— 雕花,是一种民间艺术工艺,工匠们以高超的技艺,赋予木石砖瓦以鲜活的生命力,广泛用于建筑,门窗、外墙、影壁,以及流传下来的老式家具中。 Carving is a folk art craft. Craftsmen, with their superb skills, endow wood, stone, brick and tile with fresh vitality. It is widely used in buildings, doors and windows, exterior walls, screen walls, and old style furniture handed down. 古时候雕花是用心来打造的,那刻在窗橼垣上的龙凤花鸟、坐在门口石狮人雕、飞到檐上的奇珍异兽,都渗透着工匠们的思想,充满了生命力,为建筑增添一道亮丽的风景线。 In ancient times, the carving was made by heart. The dragon, phoenix, flower and bird carved on the window fence, the stone lion man carving sitting at the door, and the rare and exotic animals flying to the eaves are all permeated with the thoughts of craftsmen, full of vitality, and add a bright landscape to the architecture. 每一座粉墙黛瓦,雕梁画栋,飞檐斗拱的古建筑,每一扇精雕细刻、重彩辉映的中国门,都是一部古书,记载了院落里的人事沉浮,铭刻了过往的兴亡晨昏。 Every ancient building with whitewashed walls and tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, cornices and brackets, and every Chinese door with exquisite carving and colorful reflection is an ancient book, which records the ups and downs of personnel in the courtyard and the rise and fall of the past. 比较有名的徽州三雕,是具有徽派风格的石雕、木雕、砖雕的简称。徽州古建筑素有“无宅不雕花”的美誉,凡有建筑处,都可看到匠师的三雕艺术。“白墙黛瓦马头墙,回廊挂落花格窗。”描写的就是徽州建筑中精美的徽州三雕。 The more famous Huizhou Three Carving is the abbreviation of stone carving, wood carving and brick carving with Huizhou style. Huizhou ancient architecture is known as no house, no carving. Wherever there are buildings, you can see the craftsmans three carving art...It describes the exquisite Huizhou Three Carvings in Huizhou architecture. 徽州木雕被大众推崇为“三雕”中最为精致的雕刻艺术,在三雕中占据主导地位。徽州山区盛产木材,建筑物绝大多数都是砖木石结构,尤以使用木料为多,所以,就有了木雕艺人发挥聪明才智的用武之地。 Huizhou wood carving is regarded as the most exquisite carving art among the three carvings by the public, and plays a leading role in the three carvings. Huizhou mountainous area is rich in wood, and most of the buildings are brick, wood and stone structures, especially wood. Therefore, there is a place for wood carving artists to play their talents. 木雕——主要用于旧时建筑物和家庭用具上的装饰。 Woodcarving - mainly used for decoration of old buildings and household utensils. 宅院内的屏风、窗楹、栏柱,日常使用的床、桌、椅、案和文房用具上均可一睹木雕的风采。 The screens, windows and columns in the courtyard, as well as the beds, tables, chairs, desks and stationery used daily can all be seen in the style of wood carving. 徽州木雕的题材广泛,有人物、山水、花卉、禽兽、虫鱼,以及各种吉祥图案等。与砖雕和石雕相比,木雕显得更精致,房子每一个角落都能让人叹为观止。 Huizhou wood carving has a wide range of subjects, including figures, landscapes, flowers, animals, insects, fish, and various auspicious patterns. Compared with brick carvings and stone carvings, wood carvings are more exquisite, and every corner of the house can be amazing. 砖雕——由质地坚细的青灰砖,经过精致的雕镂而形成的建筑装饰。 Brick carving - architectural decoration formed by exquisite carving of hard and fine grey bricks. 砖雕广泛用于的门楼、门套、门楣、屋檐、屋顶、屋瓴等处,使建筑物显得典雅、庄重。 Brick carvings are widely used in gatehouses, door jambs, lintels, eaves, roofs, rooftops, and other places, making buildings look elegant and solemn. 徽派建筑有个说法,“千两银子七百门”——如果用一千两银子建房,花在门面上就要七百两,无论贫穷与富贵人家,门面都有精美砖刻,可见徽人对门面的重视程度。 There is a saying in Anhui architecture that seven hundred gates of 1000 liang silver - if you use 1000 liang silver to build a house, you will spend 700 liang on the facade. No matter poor or rich people, there are exquisite brick carvings on the facade, which shows the importance of Anhui people to the facade. 石雕——质地坚硬,防雨防潮,主要运用于建筑外部空间及建筑承重部分。 Stone carving - hard, rainproof and moisture-proof, mainly used in the external space of the building and the load-bearing part of the building. 雕刻丰富的石牌坊,风采动人的石狮子,玲珑剔透的石漏窗……无不展现了徽州石雕技艺的精湛。 The richly carved stone arches, the charming stone lions, and the exquisitely carved stone leaky windows all demonstrate the exquisite craftsmanship of Huizhou stone carving. 徽州石雕题材受雕刻材料本身限制,不及木雕与砖雕复杂,主要是动植物形象、博古纹样和书法。 The subject matter of Huizhou stone carving is limited by the carving materials themselves and is not as complicated as wood carving and brick carving, mainly including animal and plant images, rich ancient patterns and calligraphy. 不管哪一种雕饰,每一副雕品,都是一段历史,一种情趣,一种人文情怀。雕栏玉彻应犹在,只是朱颜改。所谓故人己去,只有雕品是永恒。每一处雕花,都有自己独特的使命,在岁月里把故事娓娓道来。 No matter what kind of sculpture, each pair of sculpture is a period of history, a kind of interest, and a kind of humanistic feelings. Carved railings and jade chefs should still be there, but the beauty should be changed. The so-called old man has gone, only the carving is eternal. Each carving has its own unique mission, and tells the story in detail over the years. 温馨提示:本文收集了中华豪门—古建筑的雕花艺术的古典文学, 花的古典文学,建筑的古典文学,艺术的古典文学,中华的古典文学,建的古典文学, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 / 申明:本站文章来源互联网(网站),内容仅供参考,请网友自主判断。且版权归源作者或者网站所有。