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2023-05-06 21:55:15 ,,,,,,

本期编辑/开鸿顺Yashe Studio———————————飞罩是中国传统建筑中的构件之一,和挂落相似,悬装于屋内部,依附于柱间或梁下,在小木作中多用于室内装饰和隔断。飞罩形如拱门,架在空中,两端下垂不落地,形式优美,如燕子展翅欲飞,所以得名飞罩。Flying cover is one of the components of traditional Chinese architecture. Similar to hanging, it is suspended inside the house and attached to the columns or beams...The flying cover is shaped like an arch, and it is placed in the air with both ends hanging down without falling to the ground. It has a beautiful form, like a swallow spreading its wings, so it is named Flying Cover.
它们最大的特点是“隔而不断”,对于柱梁两侧的两个空间有所界划,但绝大部分敞开,使两个空间仍然彼此连通,只是对空间做虚拟式的界定,即感觉上已将室内分隔成了两个部分。Their biggest feature is "continuous separation". The two spaces on both sides of the column and beam are delimited, but most of them are open, so that the two spaces are still connected with each other. They just make a virtual definition of the space, that is, they feel that the interior has been separated into two parts.
At the same time, the "cover" is also an important decoration in the interior. It has more patterns and carving themes than the hanging. In addition to overlapping with small pieces of wood, it is often carved with a whole piece of high-grade wood, such as ginkgo, red sandalwood, and yellow peel. Common patterns include rattan, disordered, whole, plum, peach vine, etc.
常用镂空的木格或雕花板做成,采用浮雕、透雕等手法以表现出古拙、玲珑、清静、雅洁的艺术效果。其花纹多为几何图案或缠交的动植物,或神话故事之类。It is usually made of hollowed out wooden latticework or carved boards, using relief, openwork and other techniques to show the artistic effect of antiquity, delicacy, quietness and elegance. Its patterns are mostly geometric patterns or intertwined animals and plants, or fairy tales.飞罩属于“罩”类装修构件的一种,罩作为一种室内设计的形制的名称出现得很迟,大概在发展上也成熟得很晚,宋《营造法式》还没有谈及这类的构造。在形式上,罩是花牙子的一种发展,唐宋时建筑风格为粗壮雄浑,虽然在室内设计上有次意匠也不会出现这类细致的雕琢。The flying cover belongs to one of the "cover" type of decoration components. As a form of interior design, the name of the cover appeared very late and probably matured very late in development...在梁柱上作为减低净空宽度的称为落地罩,又称地帐,相信也是取意于两边拉开来了的帷帐。简单的做法就是两边安隔扇各一道,再在隔扇的顶上装一条“横披”,横披与隔扇转角的地方再装上一些花牙子一类的装饰,以打破方形门洞形状的呆板。The floor covering, also known as the ground curtain, is used to reduce the clearance width on the beam and column, which is believed to be derived from the curtain that has been opened on both sides.
有一些同一形式的罩将隔扇改为栏杆,因而就称为栏杆罩,栏杆罩在视觉的流通上更大一些。形式上最富丽的就是花罩,花罩就是整个隔断的面满布通花,然后在当中开一个门洞,门洞可以是圆的或者方的,完全视乎于构图的要求而定。Some covers in the same form change the partition leaf into a railing, which is called a railing cover. The railing cover is larger in visual circulation. The most beautiful form is the flower cover, which means that the whole partition is covered with flowers, and then a door opening is opened in the middle. The door opening can be round or square, depending on the composition requirements.
花罩就是罩的形式最高的发展,已经完全摆脱帷帐之遗意,尽力去追求通透的花格子所产生的动人的艺术效果。在明清时代,罩发展成为室内设计中颇重要和颇流行的设施,甚至在更小的空间分隔上也常应用罩,如床罩,总而言之罩是用来示意空间的区分。The flower cover is the highest development of the form of the cover. It has completely got rid of the legacy of the curtain and tried to pursue the moving artistic effect produced by the transparent lattice. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, covers developed into very important and popular facilities in interior design...在传统的中国室内设计观念中,大部分的室内空间是要求划分而不作绝对的封闭,要求变化同时又要有连通和连续的过渡,这和现代室内设计观念基本是相一致的,主要的原因并不是一种巧合,或者为了取得一致,或者基于美学理论,而二者同时都是基于标准化的平面以及“框架”式结构的共同条件下的产物。In the traditional Chinese interior design concept, most of the interior spaces require division rather than absolute closure, and change requires connectivity and continuity at the same time. This is basically consistent with the modern interior design concept.
罩是一种空间上并没有阻隔的隔断,空间仍然保持流通,形成一种“门洞”的形式或者感觉,使人觉得通过它便进入另一种不同的空间里。The cover is a kind of partition with no barrier in space. The space still keeps circulating, forming a form or feeling of "door opening", which makes people feel that they can enter another different space through it.


本文收集了中华豪门—隔而不断的古建筑构件—飞罩的古典文学, ,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 成语大全 / 成语造句 / 成语故事 / 看图猜成语 / 三字成语 / 四字成语 / 五字成语 / 六字成语 / 七字成语 / 八字成语 / 文化百科 /
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